The school office is open 8.30am to 4pm Mon to Fri, Term Time Only, Tel 01458 272587

PTFA information

We have an active PTFA at King Ina C of E Academy, running exciting events and raising money for school.
If you would like to help or join the PTFA please contact the team on

29th July 2024

Hi everyone

Thanks so much to all that have supported the PTFA this year and over the last few years. Whether you have donated vouchers, gifts, spent money and attended events or given your spare time to support us, it is all valued and we appreciate everything you have done.

This year has been very low on volunteers, both parents and teachers, so to have raised what we have is incredible. The main focus has been to spend the money we have built up for the children to benefit from. As it is intended.

There are lots of grants out there but without volunteers spending valuable time completing these, these are simply out of our reach. 

Can you help support the PTFA? Could you complete grant applications?

We will be holding our AGM early this year to allow all THREE key roles (Chair, Treasurer & Secretary) to step down. 

This will be held on Monday 23rd September 2024 at the school at 7pm.

Please come along if you would like to take on one of these roles or if you can support the PTFA in 2024/2025.

Are you part of the School Lottery? This brings in a great income to the charity with no effort! See page three for more details.

Have a great summer, see you in September!


King Ina PTFA