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Goldfinch Class 4/10/2024

Another busy week in Goldfinch class. In English we have been planning and writing a postcard as though we were at the 'Great Fire of London.' Once we had planned and written the postcard, we had to write it in best. Mrs Hatt thought they looked great and are proudly on display in our classroom. In maths we have been ordering numbers and counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. We played a game to practise our ordering correctly. In science we went outside and had to find examples of wood, metal and plastic. We had great fun in computing.... we started to look at what algorithms are. We had to write instructions for a dinosaur and then act like a dinosaur to see if our instructions worked. We also used a program call 'Quick, draw.' It was great fun and it showed us how algorithms can be used on a computer. In PSHE we thought about how we show different feelings and what we can do to help others. We had Forest School again this week and made some lovely things. In music we were learning about steady beat and had to move to different beats around the class. We also had a lovely Harvest Festival assembly and colouring.