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Wagtails Class 10/01/2025

It has been a wonderful first week back, here in Wagtail class. The children have all settled back into their school routines beautifully. We started our new topic, 'Superheroes in our Community'. In literacy, we looked at the story ' Charlie the firefighter'. The children have enjoyed all written and creative tasks based on this book. They have also loved learning all about the role of firefighters. In maths, we have been looking at representing the number 5 in different ways and have also consolidated our knowledge of 2D shapes. The children really enjoyed using tweezers and buttons to outline the shapes; developing their fine motor skills. In RE, we have learnt all about, 'Epiphany' and some of the ways in which this is celebrated.

Finally, it has been wonderful listening to the children sharing their Christmas news. It has been wonderful to have you all back!

Have a great weekend, from Mrs Slade