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Puffins Class 4/10/2024

Puffins have had a great 2 weeks full of learning. We have enjoyed playing games in maths to help with our place value unit. We did really well in our end of unit assessment and managed to recall all of our sticky knowledge. Computing was fun! We are looking at algorithms and had to use a keyboard to programme and control our friends! We continued with our clay project this week. The plan is to make a clay tile inspired by Tudor houses to link with our Great Fire of London history unit. We practised using a variety of objects to press patterns into the clay. We have enjoyed learning about The Great Fire of London and have been fantastic at recalling dates and comparing the past to now. This helped us to get into character and write a post card as if we had been around at the time of the fire. Next week, we are looking forward to exploring further and writing our own fact files. We will also be carrying out our first experiment in science and learning to dance like penguins in PE!