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Goldfinch Class 20/09/2024

In Goldfinch Class this week we had our first forest school sessions. We had a great time doing a choice of activities. Some children found natural items and created a sculpture piece with clay. Other children created necklaces from nature. We have been busy in maths with place value. We have been practising writing numbers in words and also looking at how many tens and ones are in a number. We have worked practically to partition a two-digit number in different ways.

In English we have been using the book 'Have you filled a bucket today?' We used this book to think of ways that we can be kind to each other. We wrote some lovely sentences on how to be kind. We also wrote kind sentences about another child in our class. We produced these in best for the child to keep. We linked this to PSHE and thought about pledges we could make to make our classroom a positive and kind place.

In science we have leant about sorting materials into groups and what the words natural and man-made mean. In our history work we have compared jobs today to jobs in the time of the great fire of London. We focus on how firefighting has changed in that time.

We enjoyed using our voices in music to make different vocal sounds which included changing pitch. In computing we have learnt how to log on to the school system and find our way around.