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Wagtail Class 27/09/2024

It has been a really lovely week here in Wagtail Class. The children have all worked so hard. In literacy we have looked at the story, 'Only One You'. The children painted their own rock fish, and don't they look fabulous!


In maths, we have been matching, sorting and making pairs. The children have explored a variety of different resources but have particularly enjoyed matching and sorting socks.


In RE, we have been looking at the theme, 'special me' and have been sharing things that are special to us. Thank you for sending items in for the children to share. It has been so lovely listening to them speak so confidently.


In topic, we have continued to look at 'All About Me' and it has been brilliant listening to the children share and talk about photographs of their families - so heart-warming!


Finally, we have learnt our next set of sounds in phonics, practised our fine motor skills for writing and have learnt all about this term's Christian school value, 'Friendship'. What a really wonderful week full of fun and learning. Have a super weekend, from Mrs Slade :)