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Goldfinch Class 13/09/2024

Wow Goldfinch Class, what a fantastic first week and a couple days back after the summer break we have had. We have done so much already! Here is a taster of some of it:

We have been producing some lovely art work. We drew a portrait of ourselves and then used paint to add colour to it. We read a book called 'The rainbow fish' and considered how they are all different and unique. We talked about difference and how it is ok to be different but we treat each other kindly and work as a team. We produced our own rainbow fish based on this book. We did some collage work of a goldfinch. 

In English we have read 'Would you rather' and 'Only one you'. We have been writing some sentences based on these books, practising our basic sentence structure and phonics. We have thought about what makes the world a beautiful place and what wishes we have for our world.

In maths we have been working on place value and have been showing our understanding of number, tens and ones.

We have begun our history topic which is the Great Fire of London. This week we had to compare and sort pictures from present day London and London in the past.

We enjoy making different vocal sounds in music and have also been doing some important on-line safety work for pshe.

We started reading a Roald Dahl book - George's Marvellous Medicine as we are focussing on Roald Dahl this half term. We loved dressing up today for Roald Dahl Day and have done several pieces of work related to this. For one piece we had to design our own marvellous medicine..... Thank goodness these are not real.