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Goldfinch Class 03/03/2023

In Goldfinch Class this week we have been busy celebrating book week with a whole range of activities. We have read 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' and compared this book to 'Owl Babies'. We have also written our own report on owls using notes that we had made. We have designed our own book cover for 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' and wrote a wanted poster for Plop. He was so frightened of the dark that he went missing. We created our own pictures of an owl. In maths we read a book about the different numbers of legs that animals have and used this to create different numbers e.g. if there were 21 legs, it could be 2 crabs and a person, we had to show different ways to make the same number of legs. We also produced a graph of our favourite books as a class and have read lots of our favourite picture books. We finished off book week by meeting up with Red Kites to read. We also loved dressing up and bringing a clue in on Thursday.