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Pipit Class 28/04/23

There has been a crime in Pipit Class!! On Monday morning we were amazed to see a huge beanstalk had grown in our classroom over the weekend. There were several clues left too like footprints, a shoe, a golden egg, a hen and some magic beans...

Pipits knew exactly what they had to do, we quickly got our equipment and started investigating. We came to the conclusion that it must be from the traditional tale 'Jack and the Beanstalk' but we are still unsure who the culprit was. After some 'Hot seating' in literacy we came to the conclusion that Jack had come to our classroom. 

On Thursday the magic beans were missing from the crime scene, so we made posters and put them around the school to let everyone know that Jack had come back and the magic beans are missing. We also went on a magic bean hunt to see if we could find them but we had no luck. Luckily Jack saw the posters around the school and left us an apology letter. The story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' has inspired our writing in literacy this week and across provision. 


In maths we have been learning number bonds to 10 and we learnt a cool rap to help us remember them. We had a go at writing some of these number bonds. 


We have had a week full of excitement and fun, well done Pipits. Have a great long weekend