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Goldfinch Class 15/09/2023

What a great and busy start we have had in Goldfinch class. We have had a new member join us called Sonny. Sonny is a bear who likes to spend his time with a different child each week. Sonny joins in with our learning and we tell him what we have been learning about. Each weekend, the child that has been looking after him takes him home for the weekend to look after. There will be a note in Sonny's backpack.

In Maths this week, we have been looking at tens and ones, finding ten more, ten less and counting fluently. We have played lots of games as well as recording in our books. During English, we have been reading the book 'Only One You'. For one of the lessons, we thought about wishes we would make for a better world. Today we read 'Have you filled a bucket' and have written some lovely bucket filling sentences to give to each other. We started our 'Toy's unit for history this week and started by looking at toys we use today, what they are made of and how we use them. We have also sang songs about ourselves, read lots and painted a self-portrait. In PSHE, we have spent time thinking about our feelings and how we show them to each other.