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Wagtail Class 17/03/2023

It's been another fabulous week here in Wagtail Class. We have been celebrating all things science as part of 'science week'. This has included drawing around our bodies and attempting to label body parts such as 'hands' and 'feet'. We have also carried out a lovely skittle experiment and have written all about it in literacy. In maths we have been learning all about height and length. We have enjoyed measuring objects, furniture and even our feet. There have been some wonderful comparisons made and the children have used some wonderful vocabulary such as 'shortest', 'tallest', 'wide' and 'narrow'.


The children have also done a great job of keeping a close eye on our caterpillars and have enjoyed writing their diary entry this morning. We have finished our week by having some lovely discussions about our mum's and why they are so special to us, in preparation for Mother's Day. What a fun-packed week Wagtails. Have a lovely weekend