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Goldfinch Class 24/1/23

This week in Goldfinch Class we have been revising how to add and subtract numbers, and also recapped how to partition numbers.

In English, we have started to look at non-chronological reports - this is a factual piece of information about something which can be read in any time order. We have looked at the features, wrote questions, sorted sentences into facts and opinions and planned sub-headings.

In science, we have been looking at how we can change the shape of different materials. We worked practically with different items and tried to stretch them, bend them, squash them and twist them.

In geography we focussed on different climates in the world.

This week has been road safety week, so we have discussed how to stay safe and completed some related colourings. In the rest of PSHE, we discussed immunisations and how we can also keep healthy by washing our hands well and properly.

We have also been busy practising for our nativity.