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Wagtail Class 05/04/2024

What a fantastic last week of term we had here in Wagtail class. We have been celebrating all things, Easter. The children enjoyed our Easter bonnet parade, their bonnets looked fabulous, well done everyone.


In Maths, we have been learning all about 3D shapes. The children have loved 'Mrs Slade's Shape Shop' and have been learning to describe the properties of the four basic 3D shapes. The children have also enjoyed 3D shape printing using the paint. 


We have ended our fabulous Spring term with a fun topic outcome day today. We attempted a welly walk this morning but the weather got the better of us. When we got back, the children listened to the story 'Cody the Curious Caterpillar' and then drew some insects from the story. These were lovely!


Our final activity of the day was learning about Vincent Van Gogh and painting some Spring daffodils using his techniques. We have some budding artists!


What an amazing term we have had Wagtail class and a fun day today, bringing all our learning together. You have all worked so hard and achieved so many new skills. I hope you all have a lovely Easter and I am very much looking forward to seeing you all soon. From Mrs Slade