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Robin Class 06/01/2023

Our first week back in Robin Class has gone so quickly but we have managed to fit in so much learning! In English we are looking at traditional tales and this week our lessons have focused on Little Red Riding Hood - we have had some fun with puppets, sequencing, adjective work and creating 'Wanted!' posters. During maths lessons, we have been exploring the numbers 10-16 and really getting into how many tens and ones they have and how they can be shown in different ways. We read a beautiful book called Rain before Rainbows which helped us think of some New Year's Resolutions and we have thought about our value for this half term - Community. For this, we read a story called Last Stop on Market Street and we talked about all the wonderfully different people who make up our local community. Finally, we were delighted to receive two postcards from Amelia! She has been busy! She has been to New York and Norway! She even got to see the Northern Lights!