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Goldfinch Class 12/01/2024

This week in Goldfinch Class we have been reading a book called 'The night dragon'. Before we read it, we looked at the first section and made some predictions about characters and plot. We have used this book to help us use effective description, do some hot seating pretending to be the characters and also to start learning about apostrophes for contractions. In maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We have been looking at lines of symmetry, sorting 2D shapes and counting the faces and edges on 3D shapes. In PSHE we have been learning about how we are all unique. In science we have recapped how all things are living, dead or never been alive and we went on a hunt outside in our habitat to find examples. We have also started a new DT project on mechanisms. We are going to be making a moving dragon. We have looked at linkage systems and experimented with using card and split pins to make things move.