What a good first week back in Goldfinch Class!
We have been learning about fractions in maths. So far, we have looked at equal groups, one half and one quarter.
In English we have been looking at non-chronological reports. We have been recapping the features and starting to learn facts about dinosaurs ready to write our own report.
In History we have started to learn about Mary Anning. We were historians and looked at photos to find evidence and clues as to what her job was, who she was and what she was famous for.
In Science we have started a new topic called animals including humans. We have learnt this week what offspring means and had to sort the animals.
We sand some songs in music about jungle animals which focussed on understanding pitch.
In computing we have started to look at programming using scratch junior. We had some fun moving the sprite around the page. We have also learnt about how to stay safe on the internet.