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Robin Class 09/06/23

Robin Class have had a great week back, full of sunshine and learning. We have been working super hard all week. In English, we have enjoyed listening to a traditional tale told orally and retelling it through pictures. We also had a go at turning a story from a book into an oral retelling. During maths we have been exploring direction. We have hidden sticks and given directions to find them and directed each other around grids on the playground. Please help us at home by using words such as left, right, forwards, backwards, quarter turn, half turn, three-quarters turn and whole turn. In art we have started looking at clay and we had a great afternoon creating and sculpting. This half term in science we have some time to recap and check our knowledge. This week we recapped seasons and made summer scavenger hunt crowns. We also discussed how they would be different in the other seasons! Great work Robin Class!