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Goldfinch Class 13/10/2023

This week in Goldfinch class in maths we have been looking at number bonds to 10, related facts (if we know 6+2 we know 8-6, 1 + 2 we know 10 + 20) and also adding single digits to other numbers.

In English we finished looking at instructions and have moved onto poetry. We started looking at an autumn poem, then moved onto listening to toy poems and thinking about which was our favourite. Today we have practised performing a toy poem after listening to Micheal Rosen performing a poem.

Mrs Hatt's cat has been knocking over water at home and Mrs Hatt wanted help to clean it up in the best way. So, in science the class helped to investigate which was the most absorbent towel. We dripped water on different materials until it dripped all the way through. The one with the most drops of water absorbed was the best. We found out that Mrs Hatt should use paper towels to clean up after her cat. Our class bear Sonny enjoyed watching this experiment.

In computing, we have logged onto the chrome books again and then practised using google docs to write a sentence, change the font type, size and colour. We know how to name our work so we can retrieve it next time.