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Wagtail Class 08/02/2024

We have had a fabulous term here in Wagtail Class. We really have brought our community learning to life through various visits from local professionals and also a visit to our local church. The children absolutely loved this and soaked up the environment like little sponges. When we arrived back at school the children discussed what they saw and made links to some recent RE learning. They then had a go at writing about the church. The children really have embraced all aspects of their learning this term and have made the most wonderful cross-curricular links. They had a wonderful topic outcome day on Wednesday, where they all dressed up and enjoyed exploring a variety of different activities.

Thank you to all of our lovely community superheroes that have visited us this term, we have loved listening about the work that you do. Thank you also to Mr Speed and Mrs Farley our School Governors who supported our church visit. Finally, thank you to our Wagtail families who have supported all of our wonderful learning this term. Well done, Wagtails, you never fail to impress me. I hope you have a wonderful half term break.

From Mrs Slade