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Wagtail Class 14/03/2024

We have had lots of fun celebrating 'Science Week' here in Wagtail Class, this week. We carried out the skittle experiment as our literacy focus and the children absolutely loved it. It prompted some wonderful predictions and discussions, and the children produced some fantastic writing. The children have also continued to explore different materials using the magnets and have even been drawing around their bodies using chalk. Some children also attempted to label these.


In Maths, the children have been learning their number bonds to 10 and this week they enjoyed learning Mrs Slade's number bond rap to help them remember these. They have been exploring number bonds to 10 by using; a ten frame, cubes and cube trays and their fingers. Some children have also had a go at writing these as number sentences.


In RE, we have started to learn all about The Easter Story in preparation for this important Christian celebration. The children have also learnt about St Patrick's Day in preparation for this weekend's celebration. They have loved learning about the Irish flag and the shamrock.


The children have also loved making creations using the K'nex and we have even managed to squeeze in a birthday celebration.


Another fabulous week had by all. Well-done everyone, have a super weekend. From Mrs Slade