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Wagtail Class

It has been a wonderful week here in Wagtail Class. The children have settled brilliantly back into their routines, and as always have worked really hard. This week the children have learnt all about this term's Christian school value, 'calm'. We have done a lot of work around what it means to feel calm and the different ways in which we can do this. We introduced the children to the 'star breathing technique' which can be done using their hands and fingers. They enjoyed practising this. With all of this in mind we then reintroduced the story of The Colour Monster. The children love this story and love the idea of representing their emotions as colours. This has prompted wonderful discussions and has armed the children with some tools to support the difficult task of being able to articulate how they are feeling. In class we have an 'emotional check in', this can be used by the children throughout the day to give some indication of how they may be feeling. They each have a lollipop stick and place it in the pot that matches how they feel.


We have also looked at adding and subtracting in maths and some children then decided to carry this learning into exploring for learning time, writing their own number sentences. The children have also looked at the story of The Snail and the Whale and have enjoyed being creative and making their own whales.


We have even celebrated a birthday!


What a wonderful first week back. Great job superstars. Have a lovely weekend