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Wagtail Class 01/12/2023

We have had another super week here in Wagtails. Christmas has officially landed! The children have enjoyed decorating our class tree and are really enjoying learning about the Christmas Story. They have loved exploring our class nativity scene and retelling the story using the characters.

In maths, we have learnt all about the numbers '4' and '5'. I introduced the concept of a part whole model so that the children could explore different ways to make these numbers.

We have also included art into our maths this week and have consolidated our learning of squares and circles. We have used this knowledge to paint in the style of the artist, Wassily Kandinsky. The children have produced some fantastic artwork.


Our nativity is now taking shape and our singing has been beautiful.

Well done Wagtails, you never fail to amaze me!

Have a good weekend. Mrs Slade