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Goldfinch Class 08.03.2024

What a lovely book week we have had in Goldfinch class this week.

The theme for book week was 'adventure' so we have focussed all of our English lessons this week around the book 'The owl who was afraid of the dark.' Plop goes on a lot of adventures through the book to try and become less afraid of the dark. We have read the whole book and have completed several activities on the book, including writing facts about owls, writing a book review and designing a new book front cover for a competition. It was lovely to see the children dressed up.

In maths we have finished looking at length and recapped a few skills. But we also had a maths lesson based on book week. We read a lovely book all about numbers of legs and had to work out what animals would make that number of legs - we were using our tens and ones knowledge to help us. We also had an owl themed art activity and created our own 'Plop' character.

In Pshe we learnt about what we can do when we feel like interrupting and in computing we were learning about sensors on the international space station. We used a sketch pad on the computer to draw and label what we would pack for space and we used an excel sheet to record different temperatures around the school. We also had a lovely time in music creating a class composition. We all worked together on the instruments to create a water themed piece of music. We had some great sounds for water, frogs and herons.