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Goldfinch Class 17/05/2024

Our tadpoles and caterpillars have been growing. We have been watching them closely to see the lifecycle changes. The caterpillars have now turned into chrysalis and most of the tadpoles now have back and front legs. Mrs Hatt thinks that they will become frogs over the weekend. We have been also looking in more depth at the human lifecycle and what we can do at each stage. We learnt that all animals and humans need food, water and air to survive.

In maths we have continued to look at time and we shall be finishing this next week.

In English we have been reading a lovely book called 'Lost and Found' which is a quest story. We have been learning about quest stories and practising re writing the story and describing a character. Next week we shall be using what we have learnt to write our own quest stories.

In music we looked at a story and added musical instruments to help tell the story.

We had some great fun in computing where we used scratch junior to use more algorithms. We were programming in jokes which had sounds and animations.