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Wagtail Class 05/07/2024

It has been a very exciting week here in Wagtail Class. The children had a super transition morning on Wednesday and met their new teacher. They all had lots of fun doing some exciting activities with her. Mrs White and I also enjoyed welcoming our new Wagtail children into school. They all did a great job of being really brave, leaving their parents at the door and having lots of fun.


Alongside all of this excitement, we have been busy consolidating our ordering of numerals in maths and have also been developing our repeating pattern skills. The children have worked hard in phonics, and have been practising to write short sentences each day.


In RE, we have focused on our British Value, 'Democracy', tying this in with the General Election. The main message I gave to the children is that everyone is important and that everyone has a voice that should be heard. The children loved learning about this.


We have also managed to squeeze in some show and tell time and it has been lovely to see how well the children's beans are growing at home.


Once again, we have had another fun-filled week, well done everyone. I have been really proud of you this week. Have a lovely weekend. From Mrs Slade