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Goldfinch Class 31/01/2023

This week in Goldfinch Class we have been practising our multiplication and division in maths. We have been grouping and sharing numbers, using counters to support our understanding.

In English, we read a very funny book called 'Diary of a Wombat' to help us learn about recounts, in particular diaries. We had a go at writing our own diary of our morning making sure that we used past tense and conjunctions in our writing. In science we have been looking at world habitats. We had to design our own creatures, but make sure that it had features that would mean it could live in one of the world habitats - Ocean, Rainforest, Desert or Artic. For topic this week, we have looked at Mexican food and tasted some foods that are often used in Tacos. We had to think about which were our favourites ready for designing and making our own Taco.