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Goldfinch Class 24/05/2024

What a lovely last week of half term in Goldfinch Class!

Our tadpoles have completely changed into baby frogs and we have returned them back to their natural habitat. A huge thank-you to Joseph's parents for letting us look after them for a while. Our chrysalis have also started to change into butterflies. We now have two butterflies, which we were pleased we got to see before the half term. This has really helped our life cycle learning in science.

We were lucky on Tuesday to take part in special cricket activities. A coach came and Year 6 sports captains led the activities for us. It was great fun.

In DT we finished our pouches. We added the decoration and evaluated them. Don't they look great?!

For topic we looked at descriptions of dinosaurs and did our end of topic assessment. But we also had time to make dinosaur fossils out of pasta.

In maths we have finished off looking at time. In English we wrote our own quest story where we found a dinosaur on our door step and had to return him to his own habitat.