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Goldfinch Class 29/09/2023

This week in Goldfinch class we have been looking at number lines and comparing numbers. We have played games with blank number lines to work out where the numbers would be by counting in tens and ones. We have also worked practically to compare objects using the greater than and less than symbols.

In English, we have continued looking at two different traditional tales - Baba Yaga and Hansel and Gretel. We have used these stories to plan our own similiar story, then write an effective description of a character and house.

In other lessons....... We have had our first lesson learning to log on to the chrome books and access links on eschools. In topic we have compared some modern day toys to toys from the 20th century and in science we have been finding objects in the classroom that are made of different materials such as wood, metal, plastic.

We also had fun in Music singing and marching like soldiers, dinosaurs and pogo sticks.