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Wagtail Class 19/05/2023

In Wagtail class this week we have been learning all about our Christian school value, 'Believe'. The children have discussed some of the things they are good at and some of the things they find tricky but would like to achieve. With this in mind, Mrs Slade introduced 'reach for the stars'. The children drew around their hands and arms and then drew their aspirations inside. These are so beautiful that we decided to create our very own 'reach for the stars' display.


We have also looked at 'The Three Little Pigs' story in literacy and the children became the 'big bad wolf' and tried huffing and puffing paint across paper using straws.


We have also done a lot of lovely fine motor skills activities to help develop our small muscles in our fingers to support writing.


Another impressive week here in Wagtails, well done everyone!